Anneli, 42 years old, ”It all started with a few hairs on my upper lip, which over a few years turned into a full beard”

”It all started with a few hairs on my upper lip, which over a few years turned into a full beard. I have always had to shave every other day. I would always know where i kept my razors; one at work, one in my jacket and one in my purse.”
Anneli, 42 years old has PCOS. Read her story below.

I started getting facial hair in sixth grade. It came along with my menstruation. It was also around this time that I began having troubles with my hormones. I wasn’t diagnosed with PCOS until I reached adulthood. It all started with a few hairs on my upper lip, which over a few years turned into a full beard. I have always had to shave every other day. I would always know where i kept my razors; one at work, one in my jacket and one in my purse.
Seeing my reflection in the mirror before shaving has always been difficult and made feel masculine. Other adults have never commented on my beard but children have often asked me ”Why do you have a beard?”. As a young woman it was always a difficult question to answer.
A year ago I noticed my hairs became thicker so I got an appointment with a gynaecologist who gave me a referral for diathermy treatment at Leila’s Clinic. I noticed a difference already after my first treatment. I thought the treatment would take longer but Leila worked quickly and we managed to treat many hairs in just one session. I went to her very often in the beginning of my treatment and I didn’t have to worry about shaving anymore. As a woman it is a great relief not having to shave or worrying about people noticing my stubble.
Today, after several treatments I can say that my face is ”beard-free”. I can put make up on; which is something I couldn’t do before, and I can hug my friends without worrying about my stubble. I haven’t shaved my face in nearly a year now. Leila has been of great help and showed much needed support throughout the treatment process. Thank you Leila!

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